Sunday 8 June 2014

A Coeliac diagnosis.

For years and years i have been an expert of Pizza. I've eaten some of the best and worst pizzas and have a very definitive opinion on them. Which sauce is the best, which base is the best, which toppings work and which are a no go. I've been known to eat pizza every day for a week. But also in that time i felt ill! Very sluggish, always tired, tummy aches and pains, dizziness, headaches and a brain fog that just wouldn't clear. After A LONG time and many doctors appointments and blood tests for a whole range of things i finally had a positive blood test for being a Coeliac. At that point in time i had a rough understanding of what it was but was no expert! And anyway i needed an Endoscopy before that was a confirmed diagnosis so i could still eat pizza. And eat pizza i did! Roll on the end of May and i have an endoscopy. I think i may write a post all about the procedure another day because its not as bad or horrible as it sounds! And from that they confirm my Villi is Atrophic (yeah no idea here either) But it meant that it looks like i am officially a Coeliac. I'm awaiting biopsy results but my doctor gave me the go ahead to go gluten free on my diet. So that brings me to today! I have been to Sainsburys to buy gluten free food and am preparing for the week of work with healthy gluten free lunches. I have begun to realise that gluten free food is quite the minefield. There doesnt seem to be a universal label system for gluten free food. It takes A LOT of googling and i guess trial and error to see what food is and isnt gluten free. Designated Gluten free food seems quite limited and so expensive that it would be impossible for me to live off it. It also seemed fairly unhealthy, mostly biscuits and cakes. I hope to find some tasty gluten free meals and foods that work and also to hopefully document a change in my health. It would also be great to find out how other Coeliacs managed after first being diagnosed.

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